Let’s supercharge our community! By joining us as members, you’ll help us keep our amazing space thriving. The more members we gather, the more incredible opportunities we can unlock together— all at a fraction of the cost of going solo! Join us and be part of something special!

We are thrilled to have discovered this amazing space to call our home. Our commitment is helping our host breathe new life into this beautiful area, implement exciting updates, and empower youth to create a safe and fun environment they can truly take pride in.

We’re thrilled to team up with local talent to offer an exciting lineup of classes and learning experiences for our homeschoolers! From 3D printing and cooking to baking and music, we’re bringing these fantastic opportunities at an affordable cost. Let’s make learning fun and accessible together!

We’re excited to build and nurture vibrant youth clubs that focus on their passions and hobbies, fostering connections that we believe will last a lifetime!

Let's raise funds for exciting field trips that give homeschoolers the chance to enjoy bus rides and embark on thrilling group learning adventures with their friends!

Join us in an exciting mission to welcome new members to our host church community! Our host community is incredibly inviting, and we're eager to spark interest in their congregation. They’re looking to connect with younger families, as many of their have cherished their ties since childhood. Let’s come together to create a vibrant and growing community!